Sumatra Trekking

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What to see in Gunung Leuser Indonesia

Our nature conservation  project is located in the Gunung Leuser National Park Sumatra region. Specifically, we are in Selamat Pangeran Bahorok distrit. About 10 kilometers away is Bukit Lawang. Now, we are also in Batu Katak. This population is about 20 kilometers from Bukit Lawang. That's why we wonder what to see in Gunung Leuser.

I mean, we're basically in Gunung Leuser National Park. This is a privileged site on the island of Sumatra. However, we are also based in other locations such as Tapanuli and Ketambe.

Our project at Gunung Leuser National Park

Soon we will know what to see in Gunung Leuser. Before, since we are waiting for you in this beautiful national park in indonesia, we want to tell you about some important details of our Ecoturism activities.

We have already commented on the key places where our conservation project is developed. Above all, we are in the towns of Timbang Lawan-Selamat Pangeran, and in Batu Katak. We also reached Ketambe and Tapanuli.

Now, you should be clear about what Sustainable services we offer. Here you can buy author trips. That is, personalized trips for you. That's why we want you to come visit us. You will enjoy a unique experience. Therefore, if you are a person with outstanding ethics and you truly love nature and learning about other cultures, this is a unique opportunity for you.

Gunung Leuser National Park

Let's start at the beginning. The beginning in this case is the Gunung Leuser National Park, one of the most beautiful on the Sumatra island named world heritage by Unesco.

This biosphere reserve and national park covers a vast area of tropical rain forest in northern Sumatra with a range of ecosystems: lowland evergreen dipterocarp forest, lower and upper montane rain forest, peat swamp forest, forest over limestone, sub-alpine meadows and heathlands, freshwater lakes and rivers, and sulphur mineral pools.

This park is located in North Sumatra. In its more than 950,000 hectares you can find jungle. Now, the name receives its due to the location of Mount Leuser. This mountain is 3,381 meters high and seems to watch over the entire park from its privileged vantage point.
It is important to know where you are. Remember that this is one of the few parks where you can see orangutans in the wild. The orangutan of Gunung Leuser National Park is Pongo abelii. Different from the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus) or the Tapanuli Orangutan (Pongo Tapanuliensis)
You can see also other species in the Gunung Leuser National park us Thomas monkey, which you can only see on the island. However, many other spectacular species coexist in the park. For example:

• Gibbons.

• Macaques.

• Sumatran tigers.

• Elephants.

• Golden Cat.

• Marbled cats.

• Crocodiles.

• Rhinos.

Leuser is a habitat for most fauna, ranging from mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians to fish and invertebrates. It is a region which has the longest list of birds in the world, up to 380 species with 350 of them found in this Park. Almost 65% of 129 species of mammals in Sumatra is recorded in this area. The Park is also habitat to owa (Hylobates lar) and kedih (Presbytis thomasi). There are also more than 4,000 plant species found in the Park, including 3 of 15 parasite Rafflesia. Thus, it is a habitat of many medical plants (Brimacombe and Elliot, 1996). As a natural laboratory, Gunung Leuser is impor-tant for conservation, education, scientific research for local and foreign researchers and ecotourism

Bahorok-Bukit Lawang

Although our project is a few kilometers away, this is usually the entrance gate to the Gunung Leuser park.

To get here, the common thing is to take a plane from your country. This flight will take you to Medan, the capital of Sumatra. You will land at the Kuala Namu Airport. From there, you have to reach Bukit Lawang, one of the most important towns in the area.

There are different formulas to travel from Medan to Bukit Lawang.

One is by public bus. This transport takes about 4 hours to cover the journey of almost 100 kilometers.

Other formulas be privatte taxi, very recommend it´s more confortable and save.

In any case, it is best that you contact us.

Here we will tell you everything so that your journey is unforgettable and comfortable.

Let us now travel to Bahorok, this town is where you need to arrive from airport to reach us.

From here we will find Batu Katak Guibbon Guesthouse one of our favorite corners of Gunung Leuser in this área.

Bukit Lawang

Began as the rehabilitation centre for orangutan, Bukit Lawang started its journey as the one of the most famous tourism destination of North Sumatra province. In 1972, A Swiss based organization initiated this place as the centre for orangutan rehabilitation from captivity to be released back to the wild. Bukit Lawang was chosen as the second rehabilitation centre for orangutan after Ketambe. Until 1980, the Gunung Leuser National Park was formally established and declared by UNESCO as Biosphere in 1980 as well as an ASEAN Heritage Park in 1984.

Later after time was found out that visitor’s behavior at the centre was not being controlled and orangutan were often coming into direct contact with humans, exposing them disease and making them very much depended towards people for food poisoning. The rehabilitation centre was officially closed down on 2002 but the role of Bukit Lawang as the centre of ecotourism to see the semi-wild orangutan keeps going on until now.

In addition, you can also bet on trekking activities. ¿Do you enjoy observing wildlife? There is a lot to see in Gunung Leuser, which is why it is a national park with several protected species.


Another wonderful area to see in Sumatra It´s  the northeast of the island, Sibolga, Sipirok and teh National Park of Batang Toru.

Given the jungles that we see here, it has become our favorite space in Sumatra. In fact, the last Orangutan seen in the area, as well as the oldest, was founded here. In fact, the last primate populations are found in the Batang Toru National Park, which you can visit in Tapanuli.

And we don´t forget the spectacular Sumatran tiger. This is also the base from which to travel to discover it. This species is in danger of extinction, hence it must be protected with great care.

Finally, Tapanuli is also well known for other reasons. Here we find a wonderful and delicious coffee. The populations of the area cultivate it with great care.

We also did not forget about the sugar palm. In this area it is easily found. Today it is famous for its incredible quality.

Since we don´t want to reveal everything that we are going to offer you, we invite you to take a Sustainabel tour in our Ecotourism website. Check what we have for you. Discovering a wonderful area of ​​Sumatra is in your hand with a single click.

Now that you know what to see in Gunung Leuser, we invite you to choose us. An ethical journey through Selamat Pangeran, Batu Katak, Ketambe and Tapanuli will be an unforgettable experience for you, don´t hesitate.

If you dream of with Ecotourism trip personally prepared for you , contact us. Discover nature and a unique culture with us in North Sumatra, Indonesia, a wonderful  country that you will never forget.