Tiger Conflict

For more than two years at Ibu Bumi Orangutan we have been working on the study of the habitat and behavior of the Sumatran tiger. As you well know, this beautiful animal is in critical danger of extinction, with less than 400 specimens in freedom today. The lack of habitat by monocultures and the poor local management of rural areas, together with constant stress and noise, make these big cats are forced by natural instinct to protect their territory. And so with constant conflict between humans and wildlife we ​​arrived at the selamat pangeran area on the edge of Gunung Leuser national park in Bahorok district.

At the end of 2019, a tiger began to leave his comfort zone to enter the human agricultural zone, in learning he discovered that an animal was grazing quietly in the open field (cow) and this awakened his hunting instinct. After an attack, his instinct read about him that there was easy and rich food there without much effort and he became fond of making that place his hunting area. To this day, that beautiful king of the jungle has created an extreme conflict. Killing more than he should, playing with the local cattle.

We work directly with farmers to create a sustainable livestock system. We are also studying together with local conservation professionals from the forestry university of Medan to implement an educational system that renews the ancient indigenous teachings of coexistence with nature. Along with this we study the real threats existing in the area and their mitigation methods.


Tiger Green School in Batu Katak


Children’s Enviromental Education